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What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

Coaching and mentoring are two similar terms that are easily linked to the development of the skills of workers in a company. But the truth is that, although they share similarities, they are not the same, and there are several fundamental differences between the two.

The ignorance on the part of the organizations when choosing a strategy that includes one of the two concepts can cause bad experiences and results that do not satisfy those responsible for the project. So it is important to know how to differentiate them.

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What is coaching, and what is mentoring?

The coaching is described as a course of attentive and creative accessory customers who motivate them to take advantage of their personal and expert power. Also, implementing business coaching techniques will bring numerous advantages and benefits.

The mentoring can be defined as the relationship that develops between a person with experience and success, and one student who guides and advises to enrich both personal and professional.

Differences between coaching and mentoring

There is a difference between similar terms coaching and mentoring. Both concepts share space and have common techniques and processes. On many occasions, a coach can act as a mentor with his coachees, and in the same way, the mentor can act punctually as a coach. However, some points differentiate them:

Focus: The coaching is usually focused on achieving results for specific tasks such as management teams more effectively, public speaking with greater ease or enhance strategic thinking. The mentoring instead puts the focus on the relationship that develops between mentor and student, and its goals transcend the mere labor, seeking goals as the balance between work and life, self-confidence of the individual, or the influence of personal aspects In the professional.

Times: The coaching typically involves a relationship in the short term between coach and student. Sometimes, with a few sessions, the results are achieved, and the relationship ends. The mentoring needs are lasting relationships over time, generating a climate of confidence necessary for the individual to his mentor to share their concerns and questions.

Objectives: When we talk about coaching, we usually think of immediate results in the short or medium term, and in the current working environment of the coaches. The mentoring is instead more focused on the personal development of the individual, for your current job or work that can play in the future.

These are some of the main differences between coaching and mentoring. Companies must take them into account when implementing them in their organizations since the final success will be influenced by the choice of one type or another of strategy depending on the needs.

What is the difference between emotion and feeling?

Emotion and feeling seem to be similar in meaning and are often confused by many people, yet they are different concepts.

What is an emotion?

An emotion is a set of neurochemical and hormonal responses that predispose us to react in a certain way to an external stimulus or internal (thought, memory, image). Emotions are transitory, causing them to take us out of our normal state, propel us, and motivate us to action. They are more intense than feelings, but they last less than these.

What is the feeling?

The feeling is the sum of emotion and thought; it is the result of emotions. An emotion is transformed into a feeling as one becomes aware of it.

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How to differentiate feelings and emotions?

Both emotions and feelings have to do with the irrational, that is, with the subjective way in which we experience a situation. Although they are different concepts in practice, where there is an emotion, there is always a feeling (or several), the two are presented at the same time.

The words we use to separate them only exist in theory to allow us to understand more preciously what part of the conscious experience we are describing. In other words, the difference between similar terms the two is more virtual and theoretical than material, because we cannot effectively isolate a feeling and separate it from the emotion with which it is presented.

Emotions are transitory states; however, feelings have a longer duration; they will last as long as our conscious time takes to think about it.

Emotions occur quickly and unconsciously, conversely, feelings occur when consciousness intervenes, and it takes time for a feeling to form.

Emotion always comes first; without emotion, there will be no feeling. The same emotion can awaken different feelings to a person.

Emotions are psychophysiological reactions that occur spontaneously and automatically. Instead, feelings are our interpretation of those emotions and can be regulated by our thoughts.

If we are aware of our feelings, we can manage them. However, emotions do not occur because we want it, or they will not be there since they occur automatically in the face of a situation or thought.

Emotions are more intense than feelings since they are less intense because consciousness and thoughts already intervene, and therefore, more complex processes intervene.

Therefore, the main differences between emotion and feeling are their duration, intensity, and the reaction of our body.


Know about the Difference between Microcytic and Macrocytic Anemia

Anemia can be iron deficiency, macrocytic or microcytic. Hemolytic anemia by destruction of red blood cells or insufficient production of red blood cells

The types of anemia are classified into microcytic anemia when the volume of red blood cells is too low or macrocytic when the volume of red blood cells is too large. Below is difference between Microcytic and Macrocytic Anemia

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Types of anemia: morphological classification

The appreciation of the size and hemoglobin content of erythrocytes is one of the most widely used laboratory tests in the diagnosis of anemias. The red cell index of greatest clinical value is the mean corpuscular volume (MCV), since it constitutes a morphological criterion to classify anemias as normocytic (MCV: 82-98 fl), macrocytic (MCV> 98 fl) and microcytic (MCV <82 fl).

The MCV is correlated with the mean corpuscular hemoglobin (HCM), a quantity that informs about the mean value of the hemoglobin content of the circulating erythrocytes. Consequently, HCM decreases with increasing MCV (microcytic and hypochromic anemias) and increases when CMV increases (macrocytic and hyperchromic anemias).

Types of anemia: pathophysiological classification

The pathophysiological classification (according to its production mechanism) of an anemia is based on the ability of the bone marrow to adapt to the decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. The reticulocyte count (which is the precursor cell of the red blood cells), indicates what is the capacity of the bone marrow to respond to anemia. The decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood always causes a compensatory increase in erythropoiesis due to an increase in Epo. Therefore, when the medulla has a normal regenerative capacity, there should always be an inverse relationship between a decrease in hemoglobin and an increase in the number of reticulocytes (regenerative anemia).

On the contrary, when anemia is not accompanied by a proportional increase in the number of reticulocytes, it is that the regenerative capacity of the bone marrow is decreased (arregenerative anemia).

Causes of the Anemia

There are different forms of anemia depending on the pathology involved.

In the case of a defect in the production of red blood cells, the anemias can be ferriprive, aplastic or megaloblastic.

In the event of abnormal loss or destruction of red blood cells, anemias are hemolytic or caused by a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune or genetic disease.

It may be due to insufficient food intake (frequent in cases of anorexia nervosa), chronic bleeding (digestive bleeding, very heavy periods), linked to the taking of certain drugs (anti-inflammatory drugs for example) or at pregnancy,

A plastic anemia occurs when the bone marrow no longer produces enough red blood cells (exposure to toxic agents, leukemia).

Vitamin B12 or B9 (folate) deficiencies, certain autoimmune, hereditary diseases, infections and genetic abnormalities can cause anemia.

On the other hand, chronic diseases like cancer, AIDS, gastrointestinal or liver diseases and chronic inflammatory diseases can cause anemia.